Get the style you want for a price you love!
So you have the apartment but you now have to style it in order to “make it your own”. College apartments can be so difficult because more often than not they have smaller spaces than “real world” apartments. That being said I’m going to start with my recommendation on how to solve this problem in the easiest manner, then provide you with tips to assist a harder but more creative way of decorating. Basically, the difference is if you want a DIY project or if you would prefer to not have to use all of your creative juices and get help.
Easy version: At Already Furnished, we offer two unique services. The first one is specialized package deals specifically made for college students. The bedroom packages all come with a matching Queen Bed, Wow Queen Bedding Set, Chest, and Night Stand. There are several packages for you to pick from, so you don’t have to sacrifice your style at all. It doesn’t stop there; you can also furnish your living room or dining room! Check these packages out at:, just use the all-purpose packages drop-down menu to pick which room you are wanting to furnish.
The other unique service is if you come to Already Furnished, located at 1004 Hillcrest School Road. All representatives within the store are happy to provide help in designing whichever room you need assistance with. If you bring pictures of the room for us to take a look at, we will be happy to help decorate that room exactly how you were imagining it. With our knowledge of the products, the process will be easy for you and fun for us.
Harder version: A DIY project. Again, most college apartments are smaller than normal, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t bring your creativity to life while you style your room! Below, I have provided you with some tips to change the room from plain to special.
Christmas Lights: Who doesn’t like decorating for the holidays? Make it a holiday year-round when you decorate your room with Christmas lights. One of my favorite designs is when you make trees of lights. All you need is a quick trip to Michael’s for some fake trees then get to wrapping. It will look magical in your room if you choose this as your DIY project.
Plants: Did you know that people who have plants in their home have longer lifespans? Add on those extra years while bringing life to your room! Take those spare wine glasses that were collecting dust, fill it with dirt you actually planned, add a few rocks and whatever flower/plant that would make your heart happy and there you go. DIY made easy.
Cookie sheets: For this one, all you’re going to need are cookie sheets, some spray paint (color of your choice), your favorite pictures, and some magnets. Spray the cookie sheet and you’ll have a colorful way to hang your favorite pictures or reminders for yourself on your wall! You can turn multiple cookie sheets various directions to spice it up.
Magazines: Another one of my favorites, get your favorite magazine and some scissors and you’ll be in DIY heaven. Create a message for yourself with the magazine as the background for your letters. Before you know it you’ll have turned a bland wall into something meaningful for yourself.
Masking Tape: Masking tape comes in many different colors, which means many different options for your room. Make a design on your wall just using masking tape. I’ve seen this done in the shape of diamonds, hearts, kites, etc. and all can be made to look three dimensional by just including the additional lines within the center to induce the look.
Buckets: This is one of my more practical recommendations. Spray paint a few planting buckets (any size you want) and hang them on your wall. I personally like this for bathrooms. That way it removes the clutter that so many people have but you still get to add some style to what usually is the least decorated room in the house.
Light bulbs: This DIY project is new to me! Light bulbs as vases. Just unscrew the bottom, fill it with water, hang to your wall and you can keep any plant or flower hanging in any room of your house. Also, instead of hanging the light bulbs on the wall, you can hang them by string from your ceiling. This design looks beautiful around beds!
That’s all I have for you today! Make sure to stop by and let us help you furnish your apartment, it’s one of our specialties! Find us at 1004 Hillcrest School Road, call us at 205.331.4340, or explore further at

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